Speaking of remote cultural parallels and serendipity
Oh, I’ve been around, thank you for wondering. Much time spent reading but I also have had little to say here. I think this little serendipitous find grants the opportunity to say something. I’ve been...
View ArticleWhere the wild things are…
Well, talk about serendipity… I just found out, in a bit of news about a Maurice Sendak’s exhibition at the Rosenbach Museum and Library in Philadelphia that the museum houses a copy of the Yijing...
View ArticleOn dreams, opposition and abundance. Oh, and Cher too…
A few years ago, seven or eight years, perhaps, I started having sleep problems. Not one to pop anything that requires a prescription unless I absolutely have to, I refused to seek that kind of help: I...
View ArticleTaming tigers
The other day I closed a circle, so to speak, when I watched an interview of Damien Echols on CBS Sunday Morning. The man was convicted–still is, actually–along with two other men, for the brutal...
View ArticleOn Uncertainty and the Yijing
Just recently, a fellow Yixue student, the philosopher, musician and writer, Will Buckingham, wrote a very interesting article for Aeon Magazine, titled the “Uncertainty Machine”. Here are a few...
View ArticleOn “Disaster”, Walking Staffs and the Yijing
Prologue I suppose there shouldn’t be a need for a prologue to a blog post; after all, this isn’t a book or an academic paper. Alas, I feel there is a need for it. Having dedicated more than 40 years...
View ArticleDivine! Divine! Open up a path! Or postal encounters of the third kind.
Shortly before my son returned home from his three years work term in Japan, he sent back a few boxes with clothes and books he accumulated over that period. He used Japan’s postal service for that...
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